Episode 0 – The Nightmare Begins!

Episode 0 – The Nightmare Begins

Welcome to the “origin” episode of They’re Coming To Get You! Join hosts Stephen Finley and Joe Randazzo as they discuss horror films: the good, the bad, and most assuredly the ugly!

This is a test posting and if you’re on this page, more than likely it’s because we’ve asked for your opinion. Please comment with feedback, both positive and negative.

Join us here in the future each week for horror movie reviews, interviews, news and more!

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1 Response to Episode 0 – The Nightmare Begins!

  1. Becca S. says:

    Thanks for the invite to the site, Steve. I really enjoyed listening to this podcast and found it to be a refreshingly intelligent and thought-provoking discussion of my absolute favorite film genre.

    Many positives to note:
    *Both of you are obviously more than just casual horror buffs – you’re afficianados and it really shows. You know what you’re talking about and as I said before, you’re both articulate and thoughtful.

    * The audio quality is good and the sound is consistent throughout (a problem that I have had with a lot of podcasts is that sound will get softer and louder throughout the cast – very annoying).

    * The intro music is fittingly suspenseful.

    * I like that you’re going to talk about retro horror films so that people can get interested and rent it. It would definitely be nice if you could say something like, “next week we’ll be talking Roger Corman” so people would think about renting Pit and The Pendulum, The Tingler, Attack of the Crab Monsters, etc. to be ready.

    A few considerations:

    *I’m not really a fan of the soundbites after your names- sounds kind of cheesy. I don’t think it’s a matter of editing either, I just don’t think it fits.

    * Even though you both might know about the Italian horror genre, not everyone does. Make sure to explain what makes it special.

    * How long are the podcasts going to be? Obviously the first one is longer than usual, but I personally like podcasts that are 15 to 20 minutes. That’s just me, though.

    All in all, good work. Looking forward to hearing more.

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